2019 World Rowing Junior Championships, Tokyo, Japan
Medical and Health
The World Rowing Sports Medicine Commission
General Areas of Responsibility
- To oversee and advise on all medical aspects related to rowing
- To monitor medical services at regattas
- To investigate and promote the prevention of sports injuries
- To study, monitor and publicise biological aspects of training
- To assist in the basic medical education of coaches
- To regulate and undertake doping control
But also :
- To provide advice and recommendations on request to the Council, Coaches
Conferences and National Federations - To formulate and publish guidelines for medical services
- To document literature related to exercise physiology, sports medicine and
biomechanics - To formulate and publish anti-doping rules and to assist in putting them in to effect
- To participate in the World Rowing Coaches Conference
Medical Rules
The Olympic Movement Medical Code has been adopted by World Rowing.
Medical information
Hot Weather and Heat Safety Guidelines (updated 24/07/2021)
World Rowing – Heat Safety guidelines – 240721
Advice for physiotherapists, (massage therapists, and other clinicians in very close contact) treating rowing athletes during and post Covid19 pandemic
by Dr. Cliona Ni Cheallaigh and Dr. Fiona Wilson
Physiotherapy – Athlete management guidelines for Covid-19
Low back pain in rowing
by Dr. Fiona Wilson
World Rowing Pre-Competition Health Screening
French version : Bilan de Santé Pre-Compétitif – Aviron
Team Doctor Registration
All team doctors must fill in the one time team doctor registration form.
To do so, please click here.