[DOC src=”122164″ name=”2016 World Rowing Cup II Provisional Programme 26 Jan 2016″]
[DOC src=”122301″ name=”2016 World Rowing Cup II – Lucerne Bulletin”]
[DOC src=”123014″ name=”Team Manager’s Manual – FOQR and WRCII Lucerne”]
World Rowing Cup regattas shall be open to all competitors who are authorized to compete by their member federation and who are eligible under the relevant rules. To represent a country in a World Rowing Championship, a competitor shall be a citizen of that country. He or she must be able to prove this by showing an official document (passport or identity card). In exceptional cases, the Executive Committee may make exceptions. Each member federation may enter up to four crews in each event of the 1st World Rowing Cup regatta and a maximum of two crews in each event of the 2nd and 3rd World Rowing Cup regattas.
The following World Rowing Cup and International Events are offered at the World Rowing Cup II:
Men (M) | 1x | 2x | 2- | 2+ | 4x | 4- | 8+ |
Women (W) | 1x | 2x | 2- | 4x | 4- | 8+ | |
Lightweight Men (LM) | 1x | 2x | 2- | 4x | 4- | ||
Lightweight Women (LW) | 1x | 2x | 4x |
The waters of the Rotsee are ideal for competitive rowing. The lake’s size and shape enable Olympic-style six-line racing over 2000 meters; its geographical position makes the course arguably the fairest in the world.
At the same time, the Rotsee is also a Nature Reserve with a rich variety of flora and fauna. Its shores are a year-round recreational area for large numbers of local residents.
How can all this best be combined? In 2010, Lucerne Regatta Association, the city and Canton of Lucerne and the lakeside town of Ebikon commissioned a study on “The Rotsee’s Rowing Future“. Its results demonstrate that the majority of interests are mutually compatible. The study, however, underlines the need for clearly defined “activity“ and “tranquility“ zones, as well as for a number of infrastructure investments. The common goal is clear: the Rotsee’s future is for sharing. To maintain its natural beauty and diversity, environmental considerations will play a central role at all times. Canton Lucerne has recently issued new conservation regulations for the lake area. This is based on the compromise successfully reached by rowing representatives and environmental organizations that will extend the lake’s permitted use for training and regattas.
The association called Naturarena Rotsee aims to renew the lake’s rowing facilities while sustainably maintaining the natural surroundings and their public enjoyment. The 2010 study listed 22 measures to achieve this goal. They fall into four main groups: Finishing Tower replacement, Rowing Centre reconstruction, pathway and shoreline landscaping, and the creation of rowing-related infrastructures.
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