
Jacob Dawson (b), Matthew Rossiter (s), Great Britain, gold
“It was a good row, there isn’t a Kiwi Pair this year. We knew the Serbians would be fast so we knew we would have to dig deep at the end. I like the pair race, but I find it very personal.”

Nenad Bedik (b), Serbia, silver 
“It was a hard race with very good competitors. Great Britain was very fast. The start was very strong, we put everything in this race. Our next race is European Championships. The crowd here  very helpful to have a good finish because we are at home.”

Jakub Podrazil (b), Republic Czech, bronze
“We felt very good. During the heat, we had some problems with technique, we couldn’t find each other. But the final was our best race. The European Championships will be at home and we want to improve until then. We have some pressure on us. I hope we can have a good result there.”



Spain missed out on the A-final by a fraction and they must have been the favourites coming into this race. The Spanish duo of Sigurbjonsson and Vela Maggi got away the quickest and by the middle of the race they had an open water lead. Coming into the line it was still Spain in the lead with Switzerland and Belarus going for it for second. Belarus was successful.

Results: ESP, BLR3, SUI, HUN, POL 2