07 Dec 2011
Rowing from London to Paris
The London2Paris Rowing Challenge will be held again and organisers are currently looking for rowers to take part. Scheduled for 9 May 2010 the challenge can involve up to six teams of 12 rowers.
The challenge leaves from Big Ben, London, and travels down the River Thames to the North Sea. It then follows the English coast and goes across the English Channel to Le Havre, France. Then the Challenge goes up the River Seine to the Eiffel Tower, Paris – a total of 417 nautical miles (about 780km).
Up to six teams of 12 rowers may enter and the boats, identical fixed seat Waterman cutters, will be supplied by the organisers. The cutters will have six people rowing at a time plus a coxswain made up of rotating crew members. The rest of the crew will be in a following safety boat that will also be used as a living space for the crew over the course of the week.
There will be nine timed stages to the challenge with a winner for each stage and an overall winning crew. It will take up to seven days.
The organisers have three teams committed already and organiser Jock Wishart is looking for further interest.
For more information go to: http://www.london2parisrowing.com/
The World Rowing team values feedback.