Zhisong Hu

Nationality China
Date of birth 03.09.1990
University Fourth Military Medical University
University Course Clinical Medicine
Rowing Club Fourth Military Medical University Boat Club


Zhisong Hu joined the Fourth Milita


ry Medical University Boat Club just three years ago, but in those three years he has undergone an incredible personal transformation that has inspired his teammates and greatly impacted the sport of rowing at his university.
Hu was new to the sport of rowing when he joined the university boat club. His teammates admit that his physical conditioning was lacking, but his perseverance certainly was not.  At first, Hu finished last on every training run, but he was determined to show that he could improve. Rain or shine, hot or cold, Hu was always out training. Slowly, but surely he matched his teammates’ pace and surpassed them.

After making both the physical and technical improvements to become one of the best rowers at the club, Hu immediately turned his focus to helping his teammates. Inspired by his determination, Hu’s teammates were quick to call him their leader and ‘the perfect teammate.’

In an effort to grow the team and introduce more students to the sport, Hu set up a program for new students. Each year when they arrive on campus, Hu reaches out to them, explains the sport of rowing and persuades them to try out. He dedicates his free time to coaching these novice rowers and inspiring them to love the sport as he does.

His determination and focus can be seen off the water as well. Hu studies medicine and has been awarded the Excellent Student of the University Award three years in row. When he is not studying he does supplementary scientific research to further his scientific pursuits. Hu seeks balance in his life, following the idea that sport makes his life active, studying makes his life meaningful and music makes his life peaceful.

Hu is committed to the development of a club and a sport that are new to his university. He and his teammates are working to forge a new path to spread the sport of rowing and to show how sport can transform lives.   


What was your initial reaction to being shortlisted?
“When I was noticed that I was shortlisted for the award, I felt really very surprised and proud. I thought I need to strive more to improve myself, but I was also proud for my work being recognised.”

 What are you looking forward to in this rowing and academic season?
This season, we have won a race against Xi'an Jiaotong University. Our school is talking about inviting a famous University rowing team to race in Xi'an. During the off-time this season, we'll try to improve our skills to row faster. After getting back to school, I'll receive one year's internship in a hospital. I look forward to increasing my knowledge and skills, preparing me for my dream of being a doctor. Rowing makes me strong and teaches me to work in a team. The internship in hospital will show me how to save lives and will make my dreams come true.”