13 May 2014

About You


It can be difficult because rowing is very time consuming, but it definitely motivates me to set a schedule for myself everyday of what I need to get done to stay on top of my work

Team Mates

Your teammates provide the backbone to your university experience. They are your support, your friends, your family. They understand your struggles and they celebrate your triumphs


Rowing has transformed and defined my lifestyle beyond any sort of college experience. Besides the euphoria of victory, rowing has also reminded me how to lose. The need for dedication and passion in a sport that is rarely gratifying cannot be understated, and it has developed into a hunger for success

Your Future

The skills necessary to being a successful university rower- dedication, determination, teamwork, balance, time-management – are highly sought after skills in the job market

For some, university opens the door to rowing opportunities. For others, it enables them to continue with their rowing experience and for a few it affords them with the chance to go to university. Being a student and a rower helps shape and influence the lives of young students. It comes at an important stage in life, often a time of exploration, of new experiences and of learning. There is little doubt that it is difficult and it is known to be time consuming, but it offers so much more than it takes away