There is something remarkable about the combination of rowing and academics. Ask a rower how they manage to study and train and they will tell you that the two complement each other. Studies demand focus of the mind and athletics demand focus of the body. The two harmonise together to create the ultimate profile: a university rower. Some might argue that one takes away from the other, not allowing a person to fully devote their attention to either. But, just as in rowing, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and university rowing adds to the wholeness of the student.

Rowing at university varies from one country to the next with some countries boasting a university rowing history that goes back over 100 years. The Oxford-Cambridge University Boat Race in Great Britain is one of the oldest university races and dates back to 1829. In the United States, the Harvard-Yale Regatta was first raced in 1852. University rowing in the United States is especially big and prestigious especially women’s rowing. US universities are known to recruit top rowers from around the world to be student-athletes at their university.

The best university athletes can be selected for the World University Rowing Championships, staged every two years. Many elite rowers first started rowing at university.

To support all young rowing scholars, Filippi Boats joined with World Rowing to create the Filippi Spirit Award – learn more here.