Rising Star – April 2016

At 22, Pierre Houin is aiming to race at his first Olympic Games in just a few months’ time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

At the French National Championships a few weeks ago, the French lightweight sculler finished second in the lightweight men’s single scull behind Jeremie Azou and largely ahead of Stany Delayre in third. Azou and Delayre are the reigning World Champions in the lightweight men’s double sculls and Houin’s result could force a change to who will be selected for the French Olympic lightweight double.

In 2015, Houin became a European Champion and then under-23 World Champion in the lightweight men’s single sculls. He went on to win World Championship gold at the senior level in the lightweight men’s quadruple sculls.

World Rowing sees  Houin as a real rising star in rowing. Read on to discover how Houin got to be in this position on the brink of Olympic selection.  

I discovered rowing… thanks to my brother. He was a French national champion in 2004, when I was ten years old – a good age to begin rowing. So I quickly tried. Also, I lived 300m from the rowing club.

Rowing is the sport that suits me best, because… if you want to perform, you have to rule yourself with strong values. Rowing taught me tenacity and respect.

The result I am most proud of so far is… my second place at the 2016 French National Championships in the lightweight men’s single sculls. I did not win the race, but I’m so proud of having pushed Jeremie Azou to his limits, because I consider him as the best lightweight male rower in the world.

My most difficult race so far was… the quarterfinal at the 2014 World Rowing Cup in Aiguebelette. I was racing in the under-23 lightweight men’s double sculls.

This season my goal is… to be part of the French lightweight men’s double sculls at the Olympics. I want to win gold.

On the erg, my best score is… 6:05.7 at the federal evaluation that took place in December 2015.

A typical day for me… Wake up at 6:30, then breakfast. Training on the water at 7:30. From 10am to 4pm I’m at school. Then I return to training (indoor). At 10pm, it´s lights out!

I balance schoolwork and training with… a healthy lifestyle. Studies and training are not only compatible, but also complementary. It´s a real necessary balance! 

I’m motivated by… my family, my friends, my coaches. I want them to be proud of me.

My non-rowing friends think that rowing is… a very physical sport. But it’s just as equally technical.

My biggest strength is… my determination, without hesitation. I know what I have to do to be the best. So I’m working on it.

In my fridge you will always find… pesto and mozzarella!

If I was an animal I would be a… panda, because for me, he represents quiet strength and inspires wisdom for me. He only needs bamboo and tranquility. 

If I could change one thing about the world it would be… the schedule of the last weigh-in at a championship! 

In 10 years’ time… I imagine the sport of rowing to be increasingly recognised with always the same values.