Who does what at World Rowing ?
World Rowing – Governance Structure – 2024
The Congress is the supreme authority of World Rowing whose activities are subject to its control. The congress consists of delegates of national federations which are currently members of World Rowing. There are currently 159 member federations.
Delegates meet annually as an Ordinary Congress and as a Quadrennial Congress once every four years in the year following the Olympic Games.
The World Rowing Executive Committee
The World Rowing Executive Committee has oversight responsibility for the management, administration, finances and governance of World Rowing.
The Executive Committee consists of the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the non-voting Executive Director, three Council members (elected according to Art. 49), and the Chair of the Athletes’ Commission.
The eight members of the World Rowing Executive Committee meet a minimum of four times per year.
The World Rowing Council
The World Rowing Council is responsible for all sport matters of World Rowing in accordance with the Statutes and the Rules. The Council consists of:
- The President
- The Vice-President
- The Treasurer
- The Executive Director
- The Chair of each of World Rowing’s Specialist Commissions
- The Continental Representatives (who serve as liaisons between the Council and the National Federations in their respective continents)
- The co-opted Council Member(s)
The 24 members of the World Rowing Council meet at least three times per year. The 8 members of the World Rowing Executive Committee are included in the total number of 24 Council members.
World Rowing – Council Member Information – 2024
World Rowing Specialist Commissions
World Rowing has 13 Specialist Commissions, including two cross-commissions. Each of these is represented on the World Rowing Council by its Chair.
The World Rowing Commissions are listed below:
- Athletes Commission
- Competitive Rowing Commission
- Coastal Rowing Commission
- Indoor Rowing Commission
- Coaching-Development Cross-commission
- Events Commission
- Equipment and Technology Commission
- Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Cross-commission
- Masters Rowing Commission
- Para Rowing Commission
- Sports Medicine Commission
- Umpiring Commission
- Youth Rowing Commission
The Executive Director and World Rowing Staff
The Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Director is supported by professional staff in the areas of development, marketing and communications, event management, finance, governance, IT and anti-doping.
For more information – please see the statutes section of our Rule Book here.