25 - 26 Feb 2022

2022 World Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships

Any Concept2 Indoor Rower, SUI


The 2022 World Rowing Indoor Championships (WRICH), presented by Concept2, scheduled for 25-26 February 2022, will now be staged as a fully virtual competition.

The 2022 World Rowing Indoor Championships, the pinnacle event for indoor rowers, was originally assigned to Hamburg, Germany as a physical event. The COVID-19 pandemic then created the possibility of hybrid participation. This approach would have given participants the option of taking part physically in Hamburg or virtually from anywhere in the world.

With the uncertainty caused by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, including new virus variants, potential lockdowns, and uncertainty in international travel, the Hamburg Organising Committee and the World Rowing Executive Committee have come to the conclusion after a detailed exchange to convert the 2022 World Rowing Indoor Championships to a virtual only event.



2022 WRICH Hamburg Commitment, Liability, Waiver and WADA Consent





  • 15 August 2021 – Virtual Qualification Period begins
  • 31 December 2021 – Deadline to request virtual Para athlete classification
  • 2 February 2022 – Virtual Qualification Period closes, entry deadline
  • 18 February 2022 — Race schedule posted.


A list of race categories can be found here: LINK



Race schedule for the finals is posted below

Friday 25 February 2022 

2022 WRICH Race Schedule_Friday 25 Feb 2022

Saturday 26 Feb 2022

2022 WRICH Race Schedule_Saturday 26 Feb 2022


2022 WRICH Start Lists


Participants will have the opportunity to buy 2022 WRICH Event branded merchandise from World Rowing Merchandise partners:



Competitors who believe that they may break a world record during either the qualification or final race phase of the WRICH should contact Concept2 in advance of competing to indicate this possibility. In addition to following all of the score verification protocols (as outlined on Concept2’s website), lightweights must be weighed-in no earlier than two hours before their race, under independent supervision, on approved scales. Using personal scales with a family member present will not count.  Weigh-in should satisfy the same level of scrutiny as at a venue race. Competitors should contact Concept2 in advance of competition in order to ensure that their planned weigh in strategy is approved and would be accepted by Concept2.


Qualification System

Competitors must qualify for one of the 15 virtual slots (per race category) at the 2022 WRICH.

The entry and qualification deadline for the 2022 WRICH is 2 February 2022 (23:59 UTC).


Qualification Process

The following only applies to all competitors who wish to compete at the WRICH virtually.

    1. The WRICH Qualification is open to any person who can row and submit a verified Qualification Score within the Qualification period on a Concept2 static ergometer (PM3 or later).
    2. The WRICH Qualification will open at 23:59 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) on 15 August 2021 and will close at 23:59 UTC on 2 February 2022.
    3. Competitors participating in the WRICH Qualification will be ranked by continental groupings, which will be determined by the verified nationality of the competitor. Continental regions are listed below.
    4. The top 3 ranked competitors in each race category from each of the 5 continental groupings (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania) will qualify for the 15 virtual places at the WRICH (in that same race category).
    5. In order to participate in Qualification, competitors first need to submit an entry for the WRICH through the WRICH entry portal. Competitors can register at https://worldrowing.entries.regatta-systems.com/. Entries will open on 14 August 2021.
    6. Upon entering, competitors must submit a verified Qualification Score. Competitors can submit a verified Qualification Score in one of two ways: ​​
        • Compete at a World Rowing Sanctioned Indoor Event (Sanctioned Event Qualification), and use your score from that event as your Qualification Score for any WRICH race category of the same distance/type.
          The  Sanctioned Events tab (at the top of the page) will be updated regularly.
        • Submit an independently performed Qualification Score (Independent Qualification) with all accompanying Verification Materials (see the above tab for more information).
    7. Competitors must submit a Qualification Score of the same race type as the race category for which they are trying to qualify. For example, a competitor trying to qualify for the WRICH in the 30-39 Women 2000m race category should complete and submit a 2000m Qualification Score. The same score can be used to enter other 2000m race categories for which the competitor would be eligible for example Open Women 2000m
    8. Qualification Scores must be submitted and verified via the WRICH entry portal within the qualification period. Late submissions will not be accepted.


The Fine Print

Competitors are responsible for ensuring that they are able to meet the verification and eligibility requirements for their Qualification Score. Refunds will not be issued for competitors who failed to ensure that their Qualification Score was sufficiently verifiable as defined by World Rowing.

    1. Competitors may update their Qualification Score if they perform a better one within the window of the WRICH Qualification.
    2. Competitors will be asked to submit their Photo ID which states their nationality as part of the entry process. This will be used to corroborate the competitors’ Verification Materials. Both passports and Nationality cards will be accepted.
    3. There are no direct qualification events for the 2022 WRICH. All competitors wishing to qualify for a virtual place must pay the WRICH Entry Fee, even if they have competed at a Sanctioned Event.
    4. A Qualification Score can be submitted to multiple race categories (for example, the same 2000m score can be entered in both the Open and also an age-specific race category) however the competitor must pay an entry fee to each race category.
    5. There is no limit to the number of race categories for which a competitor can submit a Qualification Score to and, therefore, qualify for (subject to eligibility rules). In the case of a competitor entering and then qualifying in multiple race categories, resulting in a possible scheduling constraint, World Rowing will not change the Competition Schedule. The competitor would be required to accept their place in the WRICH three weeks prior to the WRICH. Competitors are advised to consult the provisional race schedule in advance of attempting to qualify.
    6. If there are fewer than 3 valid Qualification Scores from a particular continental region in a particular race category, that virtual place(s) would be reallocated to the highest ranked competitor or team who has not already qualified from any continent.
    7. In the event that there is a tie in the qualification submissions from the same continental region, all tied competitors/teams would be given equal placing in the final order and the next placing(s) shall be left vacant. If the tie is for a qualifying place, then all tied competitors/teams would qualify for the WRICH.
    8. Team changes or competitor changes are not permitted between the WRICH Qualification and the WRICH. The same person(s) who has qualified for the WRICH must compete in that event at the WRICH.   If a member of a team is unable to participate in a race for which they have qualified for medical reasons, the competitor must provide a medical certificate to World Rowing as soon as possible in order to approve of a medical substitution. If a member of a team is unable to participate in the race for which they have qualified for non-Medical reasons, World Rowing will attempt to contact the next ranked team from that same continental region up to two weeks prior to the date of competition to extend the opportunity to compete.
    9. If an individual is unable to participate in a race category for which they have qualified (for any reason, including medical), that virtual place will be offered to the next ranked competitor with a virtual entry from that same continental region (in the same race category). In this case, World Rowing will attempt to contact the next ranked competitor(s) up to two weeks prior to the date of competition to extend the opportunity to compete.
    10. In the case of late withdrawals (less than two weeks prior to the date of competition) World Rowing will not be able to fill the withdrawn virtual place(s).
    11. After a competitor’s profile and proof of nationality has been verified upon entry to the WRICH, a competitor cannot change their nationality for the purposes of the 2022 WRICH. Competitors with multiple nationalities must choose one for the purposes of the 2022 WRICH.
    12. Competitors in a team event can hold different nationalities, so long as all nationalities on a team are from the same continental region.
    13. Competitors who would like to be considered for a virtual place in the WRICH must meet all eligibility requirements outlined in these terms and conditions for the WRICH, irrespective of any local requirements.


Continental Regions

Competitors participating in the WRICH Qualification will be ranked by continental regions, which will be determined by the verified nationality of the competitor. Continental Regions are listed below.


The Africa ranking will included competitors with proof of nationality from the following nations: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Congo DR, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.


The Americas ranking will included competitors with proof of nationality from the following nations: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands.


The Asian ranking will included competitors with proof of nationality from the following nations: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Chinese Taipei, Tajikistan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen.


The European ranking will included competitors with proof of nationality from the following nations: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine.


The Oceania ranking will included competitors with proof of nationality from the following nations: American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia FS, Nauru, New Zealand, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.

Para Eligibility

World Rowing Classification is required for the World Rowing Indoor Championships PR1, PR2, and PR3 events. To view the list of athletes who have been internationally classified, please view the Master Athlete Classification List on the https://worldrowing.com/technical/para-rowing-classification/ of the World Rowing Website.


Athletes with a Physical Impairment

Classified athletes with a physical impairment are eligible to compete in the PR1, PR2, or PR3 marked events (excluding PR3-II), in accordance with the World Rowing Rules.

Due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, the World Rowing Classification Advisory Panel (CAP) has established a COVID-19 Classification Protocol (CCP). This CCP will utilise alternative means, including video conferencing, combined with international and national classifiers, in order to temporarily classify those rowers who wish to participate in the 2022 World Rowing Virtual Indoor Championships (WRVICH). Athletes classified under the CCP will receive a “NEW” sport class status. The World Rowing Executive Committee have, on an exceptional basis, decided to allow athletes with a “NEW” sport class status to compete in the 2022 WRVICH. Athletes classified under the CCP will be required to attend a full physical classification later by a World Rowing International Panel before being allowed to compete in any future regatta or indoor rowing competition.

Federations wishing to arrange a virtual classification should email classification@worldrowing.com making such a request as soon as possible. Federations must also upload the classification medical documentation on behalf of these athlete to the RowingTwo portal no later than 31 December 2021. Please note that only athletes with an entry to the 2022 WRICH will have access to this virtual classification opportunity.


Athletes with an Intellectual Impairment

Competitors with an intellectual impairment may compete in a PR3-II (Intellectually Impaired) category if they are listed as eligible on the VIRTUS international master athlete list. In order for the athlete to be added to the VIRTUS international master athlete list, the athlete must go through a series of assessments with a trained educational psychologist (or equivalent in their nation). Once the assessments are completed the results must go to their country’s VIRTUS member organisation national eligibility officer (NEO) who will assess them once again, and pass them on to the VIRTUS International Eligibility Committee. Once the paperwork has been approved and fee paid, the name of the athlete will appear on the master Athlete list. The Virtus Eligibility Committee can take up to 12 weeks for a name to appear if the Committee has to go back to the athlete for further evidence. Athletes should ensure that their name appears on the VIRTUS international master athlete least prior to the entry deadline for the event. For further information on VIRTUS, please visit their website at https://www.virtus.sport/


Athletes with a Visual Impairment

Classified athletes with a visual impairment are eligible to compete in the PR3 marked events (excluding PR3-II).


For questions about international classification, please email classification@worldrowing.com 

Virtual Racing in the WRICH

The following is information for competitors who have already qualified for the WRICH, and pertains to live racing in the WRICH on 25-26 February (UTC) 2022.

This page will be updated regularly as new information becomes available.


Equipment & Setup

Competitors who qualify for the WRICH will need to provide all equipment needed to compete in the event virtually. It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure the suitability of the equipment used. This will include:


  1. Concept2 static rowing ergometer with an updated PM3, PM4 or PM5 monitor, calibrated for use with the model to which the PM is connected. Details on how to update PM firmware can be found on the Concept 2 website.
  2. A USB A-to-B cable, Compatible Windows or MacOS Laptop/ Computer with Google Chrome Browser installed, as outlined in the Live Race Set Up Manual.
  3. A stable internet connection, as outlined in the Live Race Set Up Manual.
  4. In the case of a lightweight qualifier, any necessary materials in accordance with the lightweight weigh-in protocol.
  5. Any necessary materials for score and competitor verification (as described below).
  6. An observer who is able to manage a line of communication (i.e. via Home race system and email) on behalf of the competitor.
  7. Any necessary materials for live video streaming, as outlined in the Live Race Set Up Manual (for applicable races only).


Competitors should refer to the Live Race Set Up Manual for technical instructions on how to set up their ergometer, live race software, live streaming (where applicable) and other pertinent race day information.

Finalists will be required to participate in a test of the live race software and video streaming (if applicable) with World Rowing within 2 weeks of the Final races.

The Live Race Manual will be emailed directly to virtual competitors at least 2 weeks prior to the WRICH.


Lightweight Weigh-in Protocol (for Qualified Competitors)

Competitors who have qualified for a lightweight race category are required to weigh-in between two hours and one hour before the start of their race at the WRICH. Video evidence of the competitor’s weight must be uploaded to the World Rowing Indoor Championships entry portal at least one hour prior to the start of their race. Video evidence needs to show in one video:


  1. A labelled test weight in kilogrammes or equivalent (such as a dumbbell or weighted plate) being placed on the digital scale to be used, with a clear reading of the weight indicated on both the test weight and the digital scale reading visible. The weight cannot be a modifiable weight (i.e. a sandbag, adjustable dumbbell, etc).
  2. The test weight subsequently removed from the digital scale, and the competitor’s full body (including their face) on a digital scale in their racing clothes.
  3. The scale reading visible in kilograms, showing the weight to 0.1 kilograms
  4. Proof of the weigh-in date and time. The following webpage visible in the video (on a phone, computer, tablet): https://worldrowing.entries.regatta-systems.com/clock


Note: This webpage will act as the timestamp in your weigh-in video. The unique code provided each minute on the webpage will ensure that competitors are honouring the weigh-in window.


Any competitor who is not able to meet the above requirements appropriately, or who fails to make weight, will be excluded. Weigh-in submissions will be verified as quickly as possible, but it is possible that not all results will be verified prior to the start of each race. As such, final race results will not be confirmed until all weigh-in submissions for a particular race have been verified and approved.