
6 - 14 Aug 2016

2016 Olympic Games Regatta

Rio de Janeiro, BRA


[DOC src=”122169″ name=”2016 Olympic Games Provisional Programme 26 Jan 2016″]

[DOC src=”124029″ name=”Rio 2016 Social Media Guidelines”]

[DOC src=”122616″ name=”2016 Olympic and Paralympic Qualification AT 11 APRIL 2016″]

[DOC src=”119140″ name=”2016 Rio Olympic Qualification System FINAL – English “]

[DOC src=”119141” name=”2016 Rio Qualification System FINAL – French “]

[DOC src=”121790” name=”2016 Rio Olympic Games – P alternate athlete “]

[DOC src=”123998″ name=”MEDIA RELEASE: FISA announces disqualification of the Russian Men’s Quadruple Scull”]



[DOC src=”123634″ name=”WHO public health advice on Rio and Zika virus 28 May”]

[DOC src=”123635″ name=”IOC Travel Advice for Rio”]

[DOC src=”122247″ name=”IOC Statement on Zika Virus 29 Jan 2016″]

[DOC src=”122248″ name=”IOC Statment on Zika Virus French 29 Jan 2016″]

[DOC src=”122257″ name=”Centre for Disease Control Frequently Asked Questions – Zika Virus”]

[DOC src=”122277″ name=”FISA Medical Information for Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games”]



[DOC src=”124915″ name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 15 August “]

[DOC src=”124914” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 14 August “]

[DOC src=”124846” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 13 August “]

[DOC src=”124692” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 12 August “]

[DOC src=”124594” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 11 August “]

[DOC src=”124588” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 10 August “]

[DOC src=”124590” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 09 August “]

[DOC src=”124361” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 08 August “]

[DOC src=”124326” name=”Water Quality Report – Lagoa 07 August “]

[DOC src=”124327” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 6 August “]

[DOC src=”124329” name=”Water Quality Assessment – Lagoa 05 August “]




The rowing will take place on the Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas which is located in the heart of Rio with a spectacular backdrop of mountains, the Tijuca Forest and Christ the Redeemer statue at Corcovado. A feature of the design will be the installation of a temporary pontoon with 10,000 seats, ensuring a great atmosphere in the finish zone. Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas hosted the rowing during the Pan-American Games in 2007 which was also the Olympic Qualification Regatta for the Beijing 2008 Olympics. The 2015 World Rowing Junior Championships are also held there as a test event for the Olympic Games.


Rio de Janeiro is located at the Southeast Region of Brazil. It is the second largest city in Brazil and the 26th largest in the world. Rio is the most visited city in the southern hemisphere and is known for its breathtaking landmarks, amazing landscapes and for the unique spirit of its people. The population of Brazil is 203,429,773 (July 2011 est.) with approximately 6.1 million living in Rio de Janeiro.


The Brazilian Rowing Confederation was founded in 1895 to represent five rowing clubs in Rio de Janeiro. It was not until 1977 that the Brazilian Rowing Confederation was established.


For up to the minute weather, please click here.


Olympic Qualification – Final
*all qualified crews given in qualification order

Women’s single sculls (W1x) – 29 spots + Host nation substitution + 2 tripartite
World Rowing Championships: AUS, CZE, CHN, USA, SUI, CAN, SWE, LTU, AUT
African Qualification: ZIM, ALG, NGR, EGY
Americas Qualification: BER, MEX, TTO, ARG, PAR, PER
Asia/Oceania Qualification: KOR, IRI, TPE, KAZ, INA, SIN, THA
Other: BAH (host nation substitute)
Tripartite Invitation: TOG,
European Continental Qualification Regatta: NZL, IRL, BLR, DEN (tripartite substitution)

Lightweight women’s double sculls (LW2x) – 20 spots
World Rowing Championships: NZL, GBR, RSA, CAN, DEN, GER, CHN, POL, IRL, RUS, USA
African Qualification Regatta: TUN
Americas Qualification Regatta: BRA, CUB, CHI
Asia/Oceania Qualification Regatta: JPN, VIE, HKG
European Continental Qualification Regatta: NED, ROU

Women’s double sculls (W2x) – 13 spots
World Rowing Championships: NZL, GRE, GER, POL, LTU, GBR, CHN, FRA, BLR, AUS, USA
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: CZE, DEN

Women’s pair (W2-) – 15 spots
World Rowing Championships: GBR, NZL, USA, DEN, RSA, CAN, ROU, GER, NED, FRA, BLR
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: ESP, CHN, ITA, POL

Women’s quadruple sculls (W4x) – 7 spots
World Rowing Championships: USA, GER, NED, POL, AUS
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: CHN, UKR

Women’s eight (W8+) – 7 spots
World Rowing Championships: USA, NZL, CAN, GBR, RUS
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: ROU, NED

Men’s single sculls (M1x) – 29 spots + Host nation substitution + 2 tripartite
World Rowing Championships: CZE, NZL, LTU, NOR, CRO, CUB, BLR, GBR, POL
African Qualification: EGY, TUN, ALG, ZIM
Americas Qualification: MEX, ARG, PER, URU, VEN, ECU
Asia/Oceania Qualification: KOR, IND, INA, THA, KAZ, IRQ, UZB
Other: PAR (host nation substitute)
Tripartite Invitation: LBA, VAN
European Continental Qualification Regatta: BEL, AUS, HUN

Lightweight men’s double sculls (LM2x) – 20 spots
World Rowing Championships: FRA, GBR, NOR, RSA, ITA, GER, POL, USA, AUT, SUI, IRL
African Qualification Regatta: ANG
Americas Qualification Regatta: BRA, CUB, CHI
Asia/Oceania Qualification Regatta: CHN, JPN, HKG
European Continental Qualification Regatta: TUR, DEN

Men’s double sculls (M2x) – 13 spots
World Rowing Championships: CRO, LTU, NZL, GER, AUS, FRA, AZE, GBR, CUB, ITA, BUL
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: NOR, SRB

Men’s Pair (M2-) – 13 spots
World Rowing Championships: NZL, GBR, SRB, NED, ITA, AUS, RSA, FRA, USA, ESP, ROU
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: CZE, HUN

Lightweight men’s four (LM4-) – 13 spots
World Rowing Championships: SUI, DEN, FRA, NZL, NED, ITA, USA, CHN, GBR, CZE, CAN
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: RUS, GER

Men’s Four (M4-) – 13 spots
World Rowing Championships:  ITA, AUS, GBR, CAN, GER, NED, USA, BLR, GRE, RUS, ROU
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: RSA, FRA

Men’s quadruple sculls (M4x) – 10 spots
World Rowing Championships: GER, AUS, EST, GBR, SUI, LTU, POL, UKR
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: CAN, NZL

Men’s eight (M8+) – 7 spots
World Rowing Championships: GBR, GER, NED, NZL, RUS
Final Olympic Qualification Regatta: USA, POL

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