Covid-19 Information
The virus called Sars-CoV-2 and the resulting disease Covid-19 is easily transmissible via infected individuals with and without obvious symptoms. Covid-19 can be transmitted by healthy-appearing carriers. The main transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is by droplets arising from coughing and sneezing and contracted by the person opposite via the mucosae of the nose, mouth and possibly the eyes; contact infections are also possible. Sweat does not contain virus.
WHO and national health authorities provide recommendations on how to prevent spread of new infections. World Rowing strongly encourages each NF to guide their athletes on how to avoid exposure to Covid-19 and such guidance should follow recommendations. Simple actions may be effective to limit spread of virus as is known. This is a global pandemic and will require significant effort by all to control.
The virus is not transmitted by rowing in teams and rowing can be considered safe because it is conducted outdoors and the rowers do not breath in each other’s face. Precaution is recommended for indoor rowing and in-door training depending on the local phase of the pandemic.
World Rowing has released guidelines for training and conducting safe regattas in the pandemic. Return-to-sport after being infected requires medical advice and careful supervision. Vaccination is effective for control of the coronavirus and is recommended for all athletes and staff following national guidelines.
Sports Medicine Commission of World Rowing is monitoring the situation.
What is important to know?
The basic rules to stay safe are:
- Wash your hands frequently for a minimum of thirty seconds with soap and hot water.
- Wear Face mask and don´t touch your mouth or nose with your hands.
- Physical distancing – stay at least 1.5 m away from other people.
- Do not go to where many people meet (e.g. small rooms, many people, poor ventilation)
- Outside it is safer than inside.
- Risk factors for transmission are number of people in a room, activity of people, room size and ceiling height, ventilation.
The basic rules for those who are infected or do feel not well:
- Typical symptoms are fever, dry cough, disturbed smell and taste, inflammation of the eyes – conjunctivitis, mild diarrhoea, but also tiredness or shortness of breath can be felt.
- You should stay in self-quarantine at home and communicate with your doctor.
- Avoid sports practice in groups.
- Do not get close to your partner, family members or to other people, keeping a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.
- Eat separately and use a separate toilet.
- Wash your hands regularly with soap.
- Contact your medical doctor and others by phone.
- Only when cleared by your doctor can you return to your normal routine.
These Guidelines are designed to address health and safety organisational aspects to consider for returning to full rowing training and staging regattas under the threat of a COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Educational Documents
World Rowing Sports Medicine Commission – Presentation by Juergen Steinacker COVID 2021-04-26
COVID-19 – Air travel advice_JAMA_2020
COVID Bubble and testing updated 15042021 CA
World Rowing – COVID questionnaire 2020-20-04
Sport in Times of Corona – Editorial DtschZSportmed_2020-4
Doremalen Aerosol Sars-CoV-1 nejmc2004973
Coronavirus Disease 2019 and the Athletic Heart
Ammar Confinment COVID nutrients-12-01583-v2
Bielecki Air travel COVID-19 Travel Med 2020
Rowing Australia Fact Sheet on Coronavirus – Rowing Australia
Mass gathering events and reducing further global spread of COVID-19
Event COVID response plans
Please refer to each event page to read the related event COVID response plans.
Rowing is safe – based upon external studies, the risk of transmission of the Covid-19 virus in a boat is almost inexistant.
Infection Risks by Aerosol Transmission during Sporting Activities_2021-5
Understanding the role of aerosol particles in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Advice for physiotherapists, (massage therapists, and other clinicians in very close contact) treating rowing athletes during and post Covid-19 pandemic
Physiotherapy – Athlete management guidelines for Covid-19
Send in your comments and questions
Send an email to info@worldrowing.com.