Jerzy Kowalski (b), Artur Mikolajczewski (s), Lightweight Men's Double Sculls, Poland, 2019 World Rowing Championships, Linz Ottensheim, Austria

Healthy Waters

We protect the water bodies on which we row and promote the sustainable management of water resources to contribute to two SDGs:

Water is the natural resource on which all life on our planet depends.  While most of  us take it for granted, recent reports alert us on its scarcity, a reality for already nearly 2 billion people who currently have no access to safe, drinking water.

Any single body of fresh, clean water is already sought after by many different groups, whether by flora, fauna, industry, agriculture, municipalities or, those who just like to row.  Rowing is a clean water sport and, as a sports federation, World Rowing believes that we all have a responsibility to apply environmentally-sustainable practices in the use and management of water.

World Rowing’s actions on clean water include

  • Integration into the way we operate;
  • Applying in a systematic way into decision making, strategies and days to day operations
  • Reflecting in guidelines and official documents
  • Working with partners and communities to promote responsible water management
  • Ensuring the water bodies used for World Rowing events are safe

World Rowing takes a leadership position in working on clean water with its strategic alliance with WWF international.