2020 World Rowing Indoor Championships, Paris, France
2020 World Rowing Indoor Championships, Paris, France

The holidays are quickly approaching and during another corona year the challenges around staying fit can be even greater. You might feel flooded with messages from instagrammers and health bloggers about what you can do to keep in shape this time of year. There is some helpful advice, but how does it apply to rowers? Here are our tips for a rower’s holiday season (during a pandemic).


  1. It’s not all or nothing. Rowers are always on the go. All or nothing is practically the definition of the sport. When you’re on holiday, it can be easy to think that a quick workout is not enough. But even a quick workout will help your body stay primed and you’ll have an easier time jumping back into your training plan after.


  1. No erg? No problem. While the indoor rowing machines is one of the best tools out there for an on-land workout, you might not always have access to one. If you can’t find a rowing machine, there are still creative ways to get a good workout (see tip 3).


  1. Be creative. It might be difficult to find a gym that’s open. But you don’t need one! Try a bodyweight workout (see below) or go outside if you can. If you have a meadow, woods, or any kind of outdoor space available to you, make yourself an obstacle course with sprints, jumps and pushups. Running or walking up and down stairs is also a fantastic cardiovascular workout.


  1. Try contacting a local rowing club. While some rowing clubs might be closed due to lockdowns or restrictions, you might be able to find one with outdoor erging options, or the possibility to row in a single. It might just give you a chance for some fresh air and a good session during your holiday season.


  1. Get some sleep. The early mornings that are often synonymous with rowing can be tough on your body. Use the holiday period to rest by sleeping a full eight hours per night. But don’t disrupt your rhythm too much, try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.


  1. Enjoy your favorite foods. The food during the holiday season can be overwhelming. As a rower, you will need to make sure you eat to sustain your activity level. So, choose your favorite holidays foods and enjoy them!


  1. Don’t forget to drink water. It can be easy to get caught up in the holiday festivities and drink too much caffeine or alcohol. Remember to balance your caffeinated and alcoholic drinks with a glass of water.


  1. Get back to rowing asap. As soon as you can, get back into your regular training schedule. The sooner you’re back in the swing of things, the easier it will be for your body and the farther you will be able to progress.


Bodyweight workout for rowers

3-5 sets

  • 20 burpees (with a full push-up)
  • 20 jump squats
  • 20 bicycle sit-ups
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 20 leg raises
  • 20 high jumps (try to bring your knees to your chest)
