14 Mar 2022
The Dreissigackers: for the love of rowing, and the passion to innovate
A love of rowing and a passion to innovate is what took Pete and Dick Dreissigacker on a path that has seen them enhance the sport, and then led them to be awarded the Distinguished Service to International Rowing for 2021.
The Dreissigacker brothers are the name behind Concept2, known worldwide for their indoor rowing machine – the ergometer – and their oars.
There’s no doubt about the impact the ergometer has had on rowing and wider afield. It’s used by practically every rower as part of their training. It’s used as a warm-up tool at gyms throughout the world. It’s used by CrossFitters. It’s taken to all corners of the earth on voyages, on adventures, up mountains. It was used during lockdowns around the world when people had to stay at home.
“We were surprised how naturally the erg spread from rowing to the fitness world,” says Pete. “One big driver on that was the rowing community itself pushing the sport.”
On top of this the Dreissigacker brothers also helped transform rowing by introducing carbon fibre oars and producing other innovations like remodelling the oar’s blade. They used their rowing knowledge for developments to the oar, going out on the water to trial the various models.
“The development of the ‘Big Blade’ was very much trial and error,” says Dick. “We did a lot of timed pieces to compare various options. If we had good results with a particular bade shape, we would create more options that emphasised the characteristics of that shape.”
Now you can go to any rowing club or regatta and you will see Concept2 oars being used.
Their innovating ways span more than four decades and continue to present day and all of that time they have remained open to feedback.
“Over the years we’ve had requests to add stuff (to the ergometer) like feathering handles, swinging oars, rotating foot stretchers… But we’ve tried to stick to the basics and keep it simple while still making improvements along the way,” says Dick.
World Rowing President and avid indoor rower, Jean-Christophe Rolland makes sure there will be an erg wherever he travels. Rolland expressed his appreciation to the Dreissigackers when presenting the 2021 award.
“It is not exaggerated to say that the Dreissigacker brothers have transformed our rowing world with their carbon fibre oars but also with the creatin of the concept 2 indoor rowing machine. They have created a device which is used not only by rowers but which has brought the most healthy full body motion of rowing to millions and millions around the world.”

The brothers have always been hands on, often going to regattas around the world and helping with repairs at the Concept2 booth.
Both Pete and Dick have been regular competitors at the CRASH-B Indoor Rowing Championships from its beginning in 1982. “I have always competed,” says Pete, “except the first one. I was actually sick with a cold but was there taking photos.”
Throughout their commercial success they always stayed true to their commitment to the sport of rowing including ensuring the price of their equipment kept it accessible.
Now in their 70s the brothers remain avid rowers both on the water and on the indoor rowing machine. “I do the most erging in the sprint and late fall,” says Dick. “And then mostly on-water rowing and other outdoor activities in the summer.”
And the last word to Dick and Pete describing some of the feedback about using the indoor rower.
“We frequently get comments from people saying they can’t get a good workout or they can’t feel any resistance on the Erg,” says Dick. “The conversation will sometimes go like this, ‘I just put my Erg together but there has been a mistake. This one is far too easy for me. It can’t be the same machine that Olympians train on.’ So,” says Pete, “I ask them, ‘What does that large number on the monitor say when you row?’ ‘Oh, I can get it to 3:25.’ So I tell them, ‘pull as hard as you need to get it to 1:45 and call me back.’”
About the Distinguished Service to International Rowing Award
The Distinguished Service to International Rowing Award is annually awarded to someone who has;
- Outstanding service and involvement in the development of the sport internationally; and/or
- Participation in the organisation of large (or many) international rowing events; and/or
- Long term service to the sport at all levels and with an impact in a number of countries; and/or
- Evidence of work at the grass roots of rowing in a number of countries.