2022 World Rowing Beach Sprint Finals in Pembrokeshire, Great Britain / World Rowing/Benedict Tufnell

World Rowing deeply regrets the official cancellation of the ANOC World Beach Games Bali 2023, after the Local Organising Committee officially notified ANOC of its decision to withdraw its commitment to host the 2nd Edition of the event.

ANOC has made the decision public in an official statement published on July 4, 2023 which can be found here.

We deeply regret this decision, not only for all the athletes that have trained and raced hard to qualify for the Games and were ready to travel to Bali, but also for the officials and staff that were working for almost a year now for a beach sprint rowing event to be part of the ANOC World Beach Games for the very first time.

World Rowing will now be considering all implications of this cancellation and will liaise directly with ANOC in that regard.



Please find here a message from the World Rowing President, Jean-Christophe Rolland :

Dear athletes, dear World Beach Games teams,

Yesterday we learned with amazement, incomprehension and against all expectations, the cancellation of the 2023 World Beach Games in Bali. I cannot comment at this stage, as I do not have much information, but I want to express my sympathy at this very unpleasant time.

I can understand your dissatisfaction and sadness at not being able to take part in this competition for which you had qualified. I deeply regret this unfortunate situation, which affects you and us all.

I wish you all the best in your future commitments, and hope to see you perform well at the next events, notably the World Coastal Championships in Barletta in October.


Jean-Christophe Rolland


Chers athlètes, chères équipes des World Beach Games Bali 2023,
C’est avec stupéfaction et incompréhension que nous avons appris hier contre toute attente l’annulation des 2023 WBG de Bali. Je ne peux faire de commentaires à ce stade ne disposant que de peu d’éléments, mais je tenais, dans ces moments fort peu agréables, à vous témoigner ma compassion.
Je peux comprendre votre mécontentement et votre tristesse de ne pas pouvoir participer à cette compétition pour laquelle vous vous êtes qualifiés.
Je regrette vivement cette situation malheureuse qui vous affecte, qui nous affecte tous.
Je vous souhaite de rebondir et formule le voeu de vous voir performer sur les prochaines échéances et notamment aux championnats du monde de Barletta en octobre.

Jean-Christophe Rolland