26 - 27 Aug 2023

2023 European Rowing Under 23 Championships

Krefeld, GER


The 2023 European Rowing Under 23 Championships will take place 26 – 27 August in Krefeld, Germany.


The following events are offered at the 2023 European Rowing Under 23 Championships:
Under 23 Men (BM): 1x, 2x, 2-, 4x, 4-, 4+, 8+

Under 23 Women (BW): 1x, 2x, 2-, 4x, 4-, 4+, 8+

Under 23 Lightweight Men (BLM): 1x, 2-, 2x, 4x

Under 23 Lightweight Women (BLW): 1x, 2-, 2x, 4x



2023 ERU23CH Krefeld Provisional Programme_17 August_updated

Team Managers Manual ERUCH23 2023 Krefeld Germany


Entry and accreditation deadline: Monday 14 August 2023

Entries and accreditation must be made online through: https://rowingtwo.sportresult.com/

For any questions regarding the entry and accreditation process please contact Monika Briedyte (monika.briedyte@worldrowing.com) and Prateek Gumbar (prateek.gumbar@worldrowing.com)



All European Member National Federations (including Israel) shall be eligible to compete in the European Rowing Under 23 Championships. An athlete must present a valid passport from the country for which they wish to compete (as per the European Rowing Rules of Racing). https://worldrowing.com/about/organisation/membership/continental-rowing-confederations/european-rowing/

A rower may compete in an Under 23 rowing event until 31st December of the year in which he/she reaches the age of 22.



Rowing has a long tradition in Germany. Crefelder Ruder-Club, the oldest sports club in Krefeld, was founded in 1883. The rowing course at Elfrather Lake is located in the north-eastern side of Krefeld. The lake was created from an abandoned gravel pit, which was filled with groundwater. After the completion of the lake in the 1970s, it was developed to its current recreational area with many spacious lawns.

The first rowing regattas were held in the 1970s. Since then, many regattas have been hosted by Crefelder Ruder-Club and Regattaverein Niederrhein, such as the International German Students Championships, the German Sprint Championships and the German National League.

In 2017, Krefeld hosted the European Rowing Junior Championships.



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